Why Treating All Employees As Leaders Can Benefit Your Company

When it comes to building a strong, successful company, many business owners and organizations focus on cultivating the leadership skills of their top executives and managers. While this is certainly important, it’s also crucial to recognize that every employee in your organization can be a leader in their own right. By treating all employees as leaders and giving them the support and resources they need to succeed, you can create a culture of innovation, collaboration, and growth that sets your company apart from the competition.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of treating all employees as leaders and provide practical tips for developing leadership skills in your entire team.

Empowering All Employees Boosts Innovation and Creativity

When you give all employees a sense of ownership and responsibility within the organization, they are more likely to feel invested in the success of the company. This can lead to a culture of innovation and creativity, as employees feel empowered to take risks, try new things, and bring fresh ideas to the table. By tapping into the collective brainpower of your entire team, you can identify new opportunities, overcome challenges, and drive innovation in your industry.

As Wharton psychologist Adam Grant reminds business leaders, “Knowledge is best sought from experts, but creativity and wisdom can come from anywhere.” 

Leaders Across the Organization Can Drive Performance and Results

When you cultivate leadership skills in all employees, you create a team of drivers who can help move the company forward. Leaders at all levels of the organization can inspire and motivate their peers, take ownership of their work, and constantly strive to improve their performance.

By recognizing, cultivating, and rewarding leadership at all levels of the organization, companies can increase accountability, promote a culture of achievement, and ultimately drive results. Executive coach and Inc. contributor Robin Camarote recommends recognizing and rewarding employees for leadership behavior, including “celebrating successes, highlighting contributions, and promoting individuals who demonstrate leadership potential.

Empowering Employees Can Boost Employee Engagement and Retention

When employees feel valued and empowered, they are more likely to feel engaged and committed to the company. This, in turn, can boost employee satisfaction and retention rates. When employees feel that their contributions are making a difference and that they are part of something meaningful, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long haul.

Leadership Development Programs Benefit the Entire Organization

To effectively cultivate leadership skills in all employees, it’s important to provide professional development and training opportunities. By creating leadership development programs that are accessible to all employees, you can help everyone in the organization improve their skills, increase their knowledge, and become more effective leaders.

Leadership development training should be specific to an employee’s role. One employee may need more skill training to support their career development. Another may need coaching and mentoring to support their management responsibilities. Employees are likely to know what they need, so when it comes to leadership training, including them in the conversation will increase buy-in and long-term results.

The Bottom Line 

By treating all employees as leaders and providing them with the support and resources they need to succeed, you can build a company-wide culture of innovation, collaboration, and growth that sets your company apart. Empowering all employees can lead to breakthrough ideas, drive performance and results, boost employee engagement and retention, and benefit the entire organization through leadership development programs. By treating all employees as leaders, you can create an environment in which everyone is encouraged to think outside the box and pursue their full potential, ultimately driving the success of your company.

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC. 

The Power of ‘Entry Interviews’ and ‘Stay Interviews’: Tips from Adam Grant

The hiring process can be tedious, from screening resumes to conducting interviews. But how do you ensure that you’re hiring the right people? More importantly, how do you keep them happy and engaged in your company? This is the dilemma that small business owners and managers often face. Fortunately, Wharton psychologist Adam Grant has some insights that can help you navigate through this challenge.

In a recent article in Inc., Grant shared his advice on conducting “entry interviews” and “stay interviews.” Keep reading to find out how these two methods can help you create a more positive work environment and retain your best employees.

Entry Interviews: What Are They and How Do They Work?

An entry interview is a meeting with an employee where you discuss their expectations and experiences during the on-boarding process. This can take place on the first day of work or within the first few weeks, depending on your preference. The purpose of this interview is to provide new employees with a safe space to share their past experiences and current job expectations, in addition to making them feel valued from the start.

During an entry interview, it’s crucial to ask open-ended questions that allow the employee to share their thoughts honestly. Some sample questions that Grant suggests are:

What are you hoping to gain from this role?

What do you think you can contribute to the company?

How do you prefer to receive feedback and recognition?

Remember, the goal of entry interviews is to show employees that you value their opinion and care about their experience within your company. This can lead to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and increased productivity.

Stay Interviews: Why They Matter and How to Conduct Them

While entry interviews are designed to help new employees acclimate to your workplace culture, stay interviews are for current employees who have been with your company for an extended period. The purpose of stay interviews is to identify factors that make employees stay in their current roles and identify any areas that need improvement to retain top talent.

Grant recommends conducting stay interviews on a regular basis, such as once a year or every six months. This can help identify potential issues before they become a bigger problem. During a stay interview, it’s important to ask questions such as:

What do you enjoy most about your role? Why?

What are the most challenging aspects of your job? Why?

What motivates you to stay with our company?

Incorporating Feedback from Both Types of Interviews

Now that you have a clear understanding of entry and stay interviews, it’s crucial to incorporate the feedback you receive to improve your workplace culture continuously. Make sure to show employees that you take their comments and experiences seriously by addressing any concerns that are raised. This can lead to increased employee satisfaction and loyalty to your company.

Moreover, be open to introducing new initiatives or making changes based on employee feedback. For instance, if employees express that they would like more opportunities for professional development, consider offering training or workshops to help them grow their skills.

The Takeaway

Conducting entry interviews and stay interviews is an excellent way to bridge communication gaps and build a better work culture. By implementing these techniques, you can create a welcoming environment for new employees and retain your top talent. Remember that feedback is a critical part of the process, and acting on it will show employees that you value their opinion. So, take Grant’s advice and start conducting entry and stay interviews to improve your hiring process and retain employees who are passionate about your company.

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC. 

Boost Your Productivity: 15 Essential Tech Tools for Efficiency, Organization, Collaboration, and Ease

When you’re running your own business, it’s tempting to believe you’re the only one capable of handling all the tasks required to keep operations going. But let’s face it, that approach is neither effective nor sustainable. This is where time management and prioritization come into play. By allocating your time and resources wisely, you can optimize your workflow and focus on the tasks that truly drive your business forward.

Productive Workflows
The first step towards effective time management and prioritization is creating a clear schedule. Tools like Trello, Asana, and Slack can be your secret weapons here. Trello helps you organize projects and tasks effortlessly, while Asana provides a centralized hub for team collaboration. And when it comes to real-time messaging and file sharing among teams, Slack has got your back.

Stay Organized & Efficient
Once you’ve got your schedule in place, it’s crucial to stay focused on the task at hand. Tools like Doist’s and Evernote can be your trusty companions, helping you prioritize and categorize your tasks efficiently. And to save time and boost productivity, LastPass securely stores your passwords and sensitive data in one convenient location.

Marketing Shortcuts
We all know that social media management can eat up a significant chunk of your time. Thankfully, tools like Hootsuite and Buffer allow you to schedule your posts in advance, freeing up valuable time for other important tasks. Plus, Flodesk and HubSpot can lend a helping hand with email marketing, while Google Analytics offers invaluable insights into website traffic and user behavior.

Optimize Your Processes
Effective communication and file sharing are also key to managing your time effectively. Dropbox makes it a breeze to store, share, and access files from anywhere. And if you want to take your communication skills up a notch, Grammarly is here to help with suggestions for writing style, tone, and grammar. Lastly, automatic time tracking software like Toggl and IFTTT can work wonders by keeping track of billable hours and automating repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time to focus on other essential endeavors.

Run Your Business like a Boss
Mastering time management and prioritization is the secret ingredient to running a successful small business or being a thriving entrepreneur. By embracing time-saving and productivity boosting tech tools, you can supercharge your workflow, stay productive, and tackle tasks that truly propel your business forward. With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be equipped to navigate the daily challenges of small business ownership or entrepreneurship with much more ease, allowing you to focus more of your time and energy on vision, innovation, and growth.

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC.

Kissinger Bigatel & Brower REALTORS turns 90!!

State College-based and locally-owned real estate firm Kissinger Bigatel & Brower REALTORS is proud to celebrate their 90th year of serving the real estate needs of central Pennsylvania.

Kissinger Bigatel & Brower REALTORS opened for business as The Gordon Kissinger Agency in a one-room office on the second floor above The Corner Room in 1933 – the same year in which the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers were founded.

In 1983, the firm merged with Ralph F. Brower and Associates, and then in 1993 with Associated Realty (Mark Bigatel), taking on its current name, Kissinger Bigatel & Brower REALTORS — often referred to simply as KBB. The company currently resides at 2300 South Atherton Street in State College and can be found online at 1kbb.com.

Over the years, the ownership of the firm has had a great impact on the local landscape. Some of the developments that the company has had a hand in developing include Park Hills, Dalevue, Centre Hills, West Park Hills and The Gates, to name a few. The firm is comprised of over 50 full-time brokers and over 50 support staff.

KBB services the residential, commercial, industrial, farm and land needs of the community. While real estate is becoming more regional in nature, most of the company’s activity is in Centre County. Year in and year out, KBB agents represent approximately 50 percent of the local market activity (Source: Bright MLS).

KBB agents are members of the Centre County, Pennsylvania and National Association of Realtors. The firm now has a broad-based ownership and is led by Managing Broker and Partner Liz Piazza. KBB has been recognized as the Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year.

The KBB agents take great pride in impacting their community. All agents donate into a pool that supports local charities through monthly contributions. Just some of the organizations the effort, referred to as KBB Cares, has supported are The United Way, Youth Service Bureau, Housing Transitions, Out of the Cold, THON, Salvation Army and Toys for Tots.

KBB feels so fortunate to be in the business of making dreams come true in one of the most wonderful communities in the world to live, work and play. They look forward to the next 90!!

Ignite and Empower Your Team with Verbal Feedback

Verbal feedback is a great way for bosses and team leaders to demonstrate their appreciation and encourage their employees. When used correctly, this kind of feedback not only boosts morale but also creates an atmosphere where employees feel valued, respected, and encouraged. If using words to affirm your employees does not come naturally to you, you are not alone. The good news is that giving verbal feedback is a skill you can develop over time that will benefit you as a leader and everyone around you. Read on to learn more about when to give positive feedback and what to say to open hearts and minds.

Praise Achievements
Everyone appreciates recognition for a job well done, and your employees are no different. If someone has done an outstanding job on a project, acknowledge their effort and outcome. Praise is especially meaningful when workers have encountered unforeseen obstacles, difficult clients, or delays. When it comes to what to say, be specific. Inc. contributor and founder of Leadership from the Core, Marcel Schwantes provides these inspirational examples:

“I understand that analyzing the vast amount of data for our presentation was a difficult and time-consuming task. You did a remarkable job interpreting the results in a way everyone could comprehend.”

“I cannot express how much your extra mentoring efforts for the new employees have impacted the entire team. They were able to hit the ground running quickly due to your help during their crucial first three months with the company. The whole team has exceeded its productivity as a result.”

Commend the Person, not Just the Performance
An exciting aspect of positive feedback is that it motivates individuals differently.

According to Harvard Business Review, recognition should go beyond performance and extend into appreciation, which acknowledges a person not just for what they have done but for who they are. When giving verbal appreciation, focus on comments that encompass an employee’s special traits and talents, such as dedication, collaboration, and leadership. Schwantes provides these examples when it comes to providing praise based on leadership qualities:

“Your positive and optimistic attitude on Monday mornings has significantly impacted the team. They eagerly anticipate Mondays and feed off your positive energy throughout the week. This has spread to other teams as well.”

“How you handled last week’s crisis with your calm, composed, and self-assured demeanor was a game changer. Instead of people panicking and blaming each other, your attitude helped the team focus on finding solutions for the client and fixing the process to prevent similar issues in the future. You were instrumental in saving the company from losing one of its best clients.”

Schwantes also recommends that leaders use their words of encouragement to help workers feel secure. Job security is always a top concern for employees. When leaders affirm an individual’s place and future in the company, they offer more than compliments but peace of mind.

The Takeaway: Notice & Take Action
Giving praise that encompasses performance, personality, and someone’s place in the company are all great ways to practice words of affirmation. Take inspiration from Schwantes and customize his ideas to fit your observations and employees. And remember: a thoughtful email or note from a boss will go a long way in making someone feel seen, recognized, and appreciated.

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC.