Ignite and Empower Your Team with Verbal Feedback

Verbal feedback is a great way for bosses and team leaders to demonstrate their appreciation and encourage their employees. When used correctly, this kind of feedback not only boosts morale but also creates an atmosphere where employees feel valued, respected, and encouraged. If using words to affirm your employees does not come naturally to you, you are not alone. The good news is that giving verbal feedback is a skill you can develop over time that will benefit you as a leader and everyone around you. Read on to learn more about when to give positive feedback and what to say to open hearts and minds.

Praise Achievements
Everyone appreciates recognition for a job well done, and your employees are no different. If someone has done an outstanding job on a project, acknowledge their effort and outcome. Praise is especially meaningful when workers have encountered unforeseen obstacles, difficult clients, or delays. When it comes to what to say, be specific. Inc. contributor and founder of Leadership from the Core, Marcel Schwantes provides these inspirational examples:

“I understand that analyzing the vast amount of data for our presentation was a difficult and time-consuming task. You did a remarkable job interpreting the results in a way everyone could comprehend.”

“I cannot express how much your extra mentoring efforts for the new employees have impacted the entire team. They were able to hit the ground running quickly due to your help during their crucial first three months with the company. The whole team has exceeded its productivity as a result.”

Commend the Person, not Just the Performance
An exciting aspect of positive feedback is that it motivates individuals differently.

According to Harvard Business Review, recognition should go beyond performance and extend into appreciation, which acknowledges a person not just for what they have done but for who they are. When giving verbal appreciation, focus on comments that encompass an employee’s special traits and talents, such as dedication, collaboration, and leadership. Schwantes provides these examples when it comes to providing praise based on leadership qualities:

“Your positive and optimistic attitude on Monday mornings has significantly impacted the team. They eagerly anticipate Mondays and feed off your positive energy throughout the week. This has spread to other teams as well.”

“How you handled last week’s crisis with your calm, composed, and self-assured demeanor was a game changer. Instead of people panicking and blaming each other, your attitude helped the team focus on finding solutions for the client and fixing the process to prevent similar issues in the future. You were instrumental in saving the company from losing one of its best clients.”

Schwantes also recommends that leaders use their words of encouragement to help workers feel secure. Job security is always a top concern for employees. When leaders affirm an individual’s place and future in the company, they offer more than compliments but peace of mind.

The Takeaway: Notice & Take Action
Giving praise that encompasses performance, personality, and someone’s place in the company are all great ways to practice words of affirmation. Take inspiration from Schwantes and customize his ideas to fit your observations and employees. And remember: a thoughtful email or note from a boss will go a long way in making someone feel seen, recognized, and appreciated.

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC.

5 Content Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you already know the importance of marketing for business growth. Content marketing is an excellent strategy to connect with your target audience and expand your reach. However, creating all the necessary content can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll share five valuable content marketing tips to enhance your online presence, attract new customers, and achieve your business goals. 

Define your audience

To develop a successful content marketing strategy, start by clearly identifying your target audience. Understanding the needs, challenges, and aspirations of your ideal customers will enable you to create content that resonates with them. StoryBrand, renowned for their marketing education for small businesses, offers a comprehensive 7-part framework that small businesses can leverage to enhance their content marketing efforts. Take advantage of their complimentary tool available here.

After considering your customers’ problems and how your products solve them, categorize your ideas into pillar content. For instance, if you have a destination business selling handmade ice cream, your content can revolve around family, natural ingredients, and original flavors. Similarly, for financial consulting, your pillar content can include retirement, college savings, and debt freedom.

Create Value-Based Content

Once you have defined your audience, it is time to create valuable content that will engage, educate, even entertain. Your content should provide solutions to your customers’ problems and help them achieve their goals. Value-based content might be a blog, video, or infographic. Make sure your creativity matches your chosen pillar content and consider batching your work, rather than waiting for inspiration to strike. Hubspot offers a variety of free content creation tools. Find inspiration and get organized with one of their helpful guides

Integrate a Lead Magnet 

Your hard work deserves a reward. When it comes to content marketing, a next step is often more free content, or a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a complimentary piece of content or promotional offer that’s given in exchange for someone’s email address. When done right, your lead magnet kicks off your sales funnel. It’s common for a series of three to five automated emails to accompany your lead magnet and build toward a paid offer. Learn more about creating a clickable lead magnet with these five rules. 

Turn Up Your Email Marketing 

Expanding your email list through content marketing is a wise investment for small businesses. Unlike the unpredictability of social media algorithms, email provides a direct connection to your customers. Cultivate your list with valuable email content, especially if you regularly publish new material on your blog. When you have a new service or promotion to share, email becomes a vital tool in your sales strategy. To maximize the potential of email marketing, ensure that your emails are personalized, segment your list based on interests and behaviors, and include a clear call-to-action.

Adjust Your Content Marketing Based on Real Results 

Measuring the success of your content marketing efforts is crucial for understanding the impact and effectiveness of your strategies. By tracking key metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, conversion rates, and customer feedback, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your content. Take time to measure, analyze, and adapt your content marketing efforts to achieve greater success in reaching and engaging your audience. For a beginner’s guide to tracking key marketing metrics, check out this resource

The Takeaway 

Content marketing can be a powerful tool for small businesses to attract new customers and build brand awareness. By defining your audience, creating valuable content, building your email list, optimizing your email marketing, and measuring your success, you can develop a strategy that works for your business. Remember that content marketing is a long-term investment, and it takes time to see results. But with consistency and a solid plan, you can achieve your marketing goals and grow your business.

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike. The Chamber has been granted license to publish this content provided by Chamber Today, a service of ChamberThink Strategies LLC. 

Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County’s Economic Development Council Launches County-Wide Strategic Plan for Sustainable Growth

The Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County (CBICC) Economic Development Council met on November 29, 2023, to mark the initiation of a comprehensive county-wide strategic plan aimed at fostering sustainable economic development.

The meeting, hosted by Greg Scott, President and CEO of CBICC, saw the active participation including breakout sessions and feedback from over 35 key stakeholders including business leaders, elected officials, regional economic development partners, and township officials signaling a collaborative effort towards shaping the future of Centre County.

Greg, in his opening remarks, expressed enthusiasm about the commencement of the strategic planning process. “This meeting kicks off the development of a county-wide economic development strategic plan. The plan will be actionable and results-oriented so we can hold ourselves accountable.” Greg Scott said during the introductions.

Rick Siger, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (PA DCED), presented an overview of the State’s Economic Development Strategy focusing on improving the state’s speed to respond to business, identifying regional opportunities, supporting innovation, and workforce development. 

Camoin and Associates, the economic development consulting firm who is partnering in the development of Centre County’s economic development plan, delivered a comprehensive presentation to the council outlining the structure of the upcoming project.  Camoin facilitated the breakout sessions allowing council members to actively contribute to defining goals, identifying regional economic needs and challenges. 

Lindsay Johnson of Camoin Associates expressed enthusiasm about collaborating with Centre County, stating, ” We are thrilled to get started on the Economic Development Strategic Plan for Centre County. This will be a great opportunity to work across sectors and think innovatively about the county’s future as a great place to live and work. The council’s energy, engagement, and collaborative spirit will all be assets moving forward.”

CBICC and Camoin will be conducting stakeholder meetings, roundtables, and interviews early in 2024 with the final deliverable expected in August 2024.  The CBICC Economic Development Council’s commitment to fostering collaboration, transparency, and accountability in the strategic planning process positions Centre County for sustainable growth and prosperity. The collective efforts of the council and its partners underscore a shared vision for a vibrant and economically resilient future.